The second session within the project “Strengthening the Capacities of Municipal Councils”


The Municipality of Cair, in cooperation with UNDP in the framework of the project “Strengthening the capacities of municipal councils”, donated by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), yesterday at the PS “Ismail Qemajli” organized the second session of the “Community Forums Program “.

The main purpose of the program is to support the participation of local communities and their involvement in local self-government.

Citizens in this program have the right to organize themselves in different groups or coalitions and to propose projects that will then be funded under the project “Strengthening the capacities of municipal councils”. In the second session, projects were proposed by citizens and NGOs for funding under the project. A total of 5 (five) sessions will be held in the Municipality of Cair and at the end of the fourth session, at least one (one) and no more than three (three) municipal funding projects will be selected.

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